Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Fresh Start in 2009 by: Claudean

My Sunday School lesson for tomorrow is all about a fresh start with God.
How many of us have made many New years Resolutions and they have been completely forgotten about by February or March. Well, if you start these fresh starts with God in control, you will have a stronger power than your own will power.
Do you need a fresh start? The lesson sugested three places we can look for fresh perspectives.
1. Look into the heavens , or God's creations in general. We can see the evidence that He exists and is powerful beyond our comprehension.

2. By looking into Gods Word, the Bible, we gain Wisdom on how to live our lives in the best posssible ways.

3. By looking into our own hearts, we can see sins that we need to confess to God. Recieving God's forgivness for our sins is a vital step toward making a fresh start.

Just maybe we could make a fresh start in just one area of our lives this week. Perhaps I could do my Bible study more regular than I have in the past year.

Notes from Claudean will be a regular happening on this page beginning today.
Until next time God Bless all that read these words.

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